Pets are essential to many people's lives and their well-being is crucial to their owners. Like humans, pets need regular check-ups to ensure they are healthy and catch any problems early. Pet wellness exams can detect diseases, identify potential health risks, and help keep your pet happy and comfortable. At Sherwood Family Pet Clinic, we provide high-quality pet care, including wellness exams.

Why are Wellness Exams Important for Pets?

Animals shouldn't visit the vet only when they are sick. Wellness exams help establish a baseline for your pet's health. Routine exams allow us to identify potential problems early when they are easier to correct or treat. Also, your pet's overall health is a combination of both genetics and the environment. Wellness exams allow us to evaluate your pet's lifestyle and make recommendations that can improve your pet's quality of life.

How Often Are Wellness Exams Needed?

The general rule is to bring your pet for a wellness exam every 6 to 12 months. This varies depending on your pet's breed and if it has any preexisting conditions. We can help you determine your pet's best time frame and frequency. You can take your pet for his first wellness exam as early as 6 to 8 weeks of age.

What to Expect During a Wellness Exam

We will get to know you and your pet during your first visit. We will ask a few questions about your pet's lifestyle, diet, and medical history. Any recommended vaccinations will be given and your pet will receive a comprehensive exam. Our veterinarians will check the heart, breathing, circulation, skin, ears, eyes, mouth, and teeth. We will also examine your pet's joints and muscles and evaluate his mobility.

Book a Pet Wellness Exam at Sherwood Family Pet Clinic

Whether you have a brand new puppy or a senior pet, it's vital to include wellness exams as part of your pet's overall health. It's better to play it safe, especially regarding your pet's health. If you have questions about your pet's health or would like to schedule a wellness exam, contact Sherwood Family Pet Clinic in Sherwood, OR. We are happy to answer all of your questions and concerns about your pet's health. Call our team today at (775) 383 6154 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.