Fleas and ticks are among nature’s most irritating pests that can cause an extreme amount of distress for your pet. Not only can these parasites cause itchy bites for your pet, but they can also lead to serious health issues that can affect their overall well-being. At Sherwood Family Pet Clinic in Sherwood, we offer a variety of flea and tick treatments to help nurse your pet back to health.

Using Preventative Care for Flea and Tick Problems

Preventing flea and tick infestations is possible through the use of medications that deter pest activity on your pet’s body. We might suggest using monthly oral or topical medication to kill off fleas or ticks before they have a chance to reproduce.

Checking for Signs of Fleas and Ticks

At first, you might just see that your pet is scratching at its fur more often, but eventually, you’ll notice the problem getting worse as the fleas begin to spread. You might need to spread your pet’s fur to look for signs of bites such as raised, red spots that look like what you might see on your skin. Pets may also engage in heavy licking that causes hair loss. If these areas get infected, then your pet may also develop hot spots. With severe infestations, your pet might also lose weight when the fleas carry parasites or other diseases that can impact your pet’s long-term health.

Addressing Active Flea and Tick Infestations

Although you can find tons of over-the-counter shampoos and sprays, your pet’s veterinarian is the best person to go to for treatment. Many pests are now resistant to common treatments, and our vet is knowledgeable about which types of flea and tick control methods work in the Sherwood, area.

Talk to Our Veterinarians About Flea and Tick Management

Are you worried that your pet has fleas or ticks that are making them extremely ill, or do you want to avoid the problem altogether? Give Sherwood Family Pet Clinic in Sherwood a call at (775) 383 6154 to schedule your pet’s preventative care visit today or get them checked to make sure you use the right flea and tick treatment.