dentistryAs a pet owner, it is important that your pets receive the necessary dental care to stay happy and healthy. At Sherwood Family Pet Clinic, we provide exams and cleanings to prevent gum disease from occurring and improve your pet’s wellness. Before visiting us, learn more about pet dental care below:

The Importance of Dental Care for Dogs & Cats

If your dog or cats’ teeth aren’t checked regularly, plaque or tartar can build up and the bacteria can enter the bloodstream. Not only that, but the accumulated plaque and tartar can also lead to decayed teeth, gum disease, and affect the heart and kidneys. Dogs and cats rarely get cavities but they are very prone to periodontal disease that causes tooth root abscesses and loss of teeth.

When you visit us regularly, we can detect any problems early and provide prompt treatment.

What to Expect During Your Visit

When you visit us, our veterinarians will perform a dental exam to check your pet’s teeth and learn more about its oral health. If a cleaning is needed, we will schedule a dental appointment. General anesthesia is required to do full mouth radiographs and a thorough cleaning. While your pet may feel a little groggy when they first wake up, any side effects should subside quickly. We can answer any questions you may have about the anesthetic process at your appointment. 

How to Prevent Dental Problems in Your Pet

There are steps you can take to prevent dental problems in your pets. If your pet can tolerate it, we recommend brushing their teeth with a pet toothbrush and pet toothpaste daily. We recommend starting the brushing process as puppies or kittens to get them used to the process and having their mouths handled. 

We recommend a tasty treat after brushing to reinforce that good things happen after having their mouths handled. 

You might consider dental treats or chews as well, which can prevent tartar from building up and provide fresh breath.  

It’s very important to visit us annually for a wellness exam while your pet is younger. However, as they get older, we recommend seeing our vets twice a year.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

To learn more about dog dental care or to schedule your visit, contact Sherwood Family Pet Clinic, at (775) 383 6154 today. We are happy to provide you with additional information and set you up with an appointment. Our team looks forward to assisting you!